White Papers

Precision Health Intelligence – The Key to Population Health Success

Learn what practical steps forward-thinking organizations can take to maximize the impact of Precision Health Intelligence systems.

Healthcare is rapidly evolving toward a value-based system, one centered on individuals, prevention, and the management of chronic disease.

Data and analytics are increasingly at the heart of healthcare. Healthcare is rapidly evolving toward a value-based system, one centered on individuals, prevention, and the management of chronic disease. This essential evolution hinges on several mutually reinforcing elements, particularly Population Health Management (PHM), where success will demand new competencies, skills, and infrastructures.

‍To power this evolution, the industry’s traditional rules-based analytics and risk stratification methods are simply inadequate to the task. Healthcare’s new business models need Precision Health Intelligence, a synthesis of complementary technologies designed to address the specific challenges organizations face as healthcare transforms into a value-based system.

Learn what practical steps forward-thinking organizations can take to maximize the impact of Precision Health Intelligence systems.

Download this white paper which answers several important questions:

  • What is Precision Health Intelligence and why is it essential for the future of healthcare?
  • How are alternate payment models reshaping healthcare?
  • What are the key competencies that effective Population Health Management requires?
  • How can organizations leverage technology platforms to overcome AI implementation barriers without relying on data scientists?

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