White Papers

Context is King in Complex Interventions

Traditional program evaluation approaches fall short when it comes to assessing complex interventions, but HCOs must be capable of evaluating whether or not their programs work if they are to succeed in healthcare’s new business model. Without a “gold standard” evaluation approach, how can HCOs measure the sustainability and impact of their interventions?

As the industry shifts to value-based care, proactive intervention programs designed to address chronic conditions and social determinants of health are rapidly becoming critical investments for care improvement and cost reduction. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these programs lack evidence to prove their effectiveness, and healthcare organizations (HCOs) can’t afford to invest in unmeasurable intervention programs.

‍Read the paper to learn:
  • Why there is a substantial lack of evidence about which population health and SDoH programs have shown to be effective, replicable, and scalable
  • Why traditional program evaluation approaches aren’t suited for assessing complex population health and SDoH interventions
  • About an evaluation approach designed for complex interventions that forward-thinking HCOs are finding success with
  • Four practical steps you can take to leverage this approach

Read the white paper


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