Evaluate health and financial outcomes.

WellSect Evaluate empowers you to measure and improve the impact you’re having on the health and financial outcomes of your population with robust, ongoing assessment and monitoring of your population health management (PHM) programs.

Quantify, Track, and Improve Program Impact.

Evaluating complex PHM initiatives is vital for improving outcomes but difficult due to program complexity and variability. Built on WellSect’s award-winning data science platform, WellSect Evaluate mitigates these challenges and facilitates rigorous evaluations and continuous monitoring, enabling you to understand and enhance your programs with efficiency and confidence.



With Evidence

Understand Impact

Determine the clinical and financial impact of your programs faster than you ever thought possible with industry-leading healthcare data science technology. Enhance care with rigorous point-in-time assessments and ongoing monitoring of outcomes, differential impacts, and understanding of the key program activities and elements driving change.

  • Comprehensive impact and outcomes analyses for measuring program effectiveness.
  • More than 4,000 ready-to-use measures, clinically-relevant variables, and demographics.
  • Rapid definition of custom variables and measures for unique program aspects.
  • Ongoing tracking of leading indicators and intermediate outcomes.

Optimize for ROI

Identify opportunities to achieve or increase program ROI through data-driven adjustments to intervention design, enhanced program targeting, and improved operational efficiency. Unlock quantitative insights powered by WellSect’s proven platform to make more informed investments and strategic decisions.

  • Continuous monitoring of key metrics for specific program processes and activities.
  • Analyses that enable assessment of implementation fidelity.
  • Ongoing enrollment journey tracking across key populations and subpopulations.

Advocate With Evidence

Champion your programs with measurable impact that showcases the difference they make for your bottom line, populations of interest, and key partners. Use evaluation results to educate stakeholders about key opportunities for future investments and policy changes.

  • On-demand tracking of program KPIs across eligibility, outreach, enrollment, engagement, and outcomes.
  • Integration with leading BI tools.
  • Rapid, repeatable query across ready-to-use measures, clinically relevant variables, and demographics.


Case Study — Medical Home Network Enriches Predictions with SDoH Data

Read how incorporating SDoH data into its models allowed Medical Home Network to proactively identify and connect …

WellSect Named Best in KLAS 2023

WellSect ranked #1 in Healthcare Artificial Intelligence: Data Science Solutions for the second year in a row. …

Where Most Healthcare AI/ML Deployments Go Wrong

Read the white paper to explore three of the most common ways healthcare AI/ML models go wrong, and how you can ensure …

Start using Evaluate today.

Understand program impact, identify opportunities for improvement, and use quantitative evidence to make informed investments.