Videos and Podcasts

How to Incorporate Robust Bioethics in AI Algorithms

MedCity INVEST panelists Carol McCall, Chief Healthcare Analytics Officer at WellSect, and Erich Huang, Ph.D., Chief Science & Innovation Officer at Onduo discuss combatting bias in AI.

Carol McCall, Chief Healthcare Analytics Officer at WellSect, and Erich Huang, Ph.D., Chief Science & Innovation Officer at Onduo, were recently featured as panelists at MedCity INVEST. Their discussion was centered on combatting bias in AI. Specifically, they outlined how to ensure that implicit bias does not make its way into algorithms and the standards for ensuring that technology doesn’t make systemic inequality worse.

MedCity INVEST Digital Health, hosted by MedCity News, is a conference featuring innovative investors across the healthcare spectrum, prominent industry players, and the most promising digital health startups offering innovative approaches or trying to solve some of healthcare’s greatest challenges. MedCity News is one of the fastest-growing sites focused on B2B healthcare innovation and the producer of MedCity Events.

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