Videos and Podcasts

MedTech Insights Talk Show

Watch Carol McCall, WellSect's Chief Health Analytics Officer, and. Dr. Jim Walton, President and CEO of Genesis Physicians Group and Genovista Health, discuss explainable AI, how AI can help organizations promote health equity and tackle persistent disparities, and how addressing social determinants of health is driving better outcomes. They join Drs. Jennifer Joe & Ami Bhatt on MedTech Insights—Vanguard.Health's weekly talk show.

In this live talk show, Carol McCall and Dr. Jim Walton talk about why the industry needs to use data to tackle its existential problems, how WellSect is helping HCOs make use of AI, and how Genovista Health is prioritizing resources with AI to tackle social determinants of health and health disparities. Hear how technology innovation is meeting human resources innovations to more effectively use data and deliver life-changing interventions that patients trust.

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